Drawer, One Unique From Malioboro
their hands, the faces are eternal.

: Interest and talent are the prime modal, which made them, still
survives to draw some faces that sometimes stop by |
the middle of the crowd among dress and ornaments sellers, there is an
interesting activity. Somebody with pencil in hand, seems to enjoy
drawing. Not far from where he draws, there is a note: “ Face painting
Rap. 35.000, only 15 minutes”. That is an activity of face drawer in
Malioboro. With some small chairs and a table to put the drawings, they
start the action, moving their hand. Their hand begins dancing in a
piece of paper. Slowly but sure, the scratch shapes some silhoutte to
show the expression of the face.The total number of Malioboro face
drawer, is not as big as dress or ornaments sellers. We can even call it rare. The ratio of the numbers of those kinds of job is
widely differed. |
On this Yogyakarta’s side of walk way there are only four
face drawing places. Ornaments and batik dress sellers who covered up the
place make the face drawer not really eye-catching from the street sides. But the
domination doesn’t make them desperate. It is colouring the variety of
Malioboro livelihood. From time to time they still survive. The atmosphere in
malioboro is like artery of the face drawer. Not surprisingly, they begin
spreading along malioboro, approximately since the 80’s. Daryono, a
face drawer from Kendal, Center Java, taking his step a head. In the
beginning, he did not draw the face. A various job for him
was not a big problem. He started his business from selling key –
chains, Idul Fitri card, to making a card with beautiful poems inside. He
sold various things before become a drawer. But then after seeing
somebody else who became face drawer, this man who has five children
was interested in trying. He started stepping his feet on the street that
extends distantly before him. The bait was prepared and a net was
spread out. Moving slowly, his business developed. Because of it, he
felt surer in becoming a face drawer.
For the first time moved
from one place to another place. But then since 1990, when Malioboro street
side was declared officially as a place for economic activity, Daryono got
his permanent place . Why he choose the face drawer as his job? According to
him, becoming a face drawer gives him satisfaction
. Drawing human faces is sometimes difficult, but in the other way, it seems
like we turn our hand, easy.
That is the art of draw human face. There’s a secret desire in giving soul
to the picture, as a face drawer. To make the paint has a soul is very
difficult. “For example, if there is a mistake from its peering look, that
mistake will show that the person has a different characteristic and
impression” Daryono argues. According
to Adriano, is not automatic that a person, who can draw a scene, will be
able to draw a face too, and vice versa. Sometimes, they can only paint
either a scene or a face are two objects with different levels of difficulty.
The challenge from drawing of human face is that we have to compare it with a
life object. In a time, when someone draws a face, he needs to look at the
detail of his face object. “I think, if we often paint a decorative model,
we will feel bored,” says Wawan Sujarwo, who becomes a drawer since
he graduated from senior high school. For him, who had felt as a
“lesehan” face drawer, draw a face or decorative model have the same
level of interest.
Interest and talent are the prime modal,
which made them, still survives to draw some faces that sometimes stop
by. “ Whatever we already got, we have to hold on to it “ Wawan
mentions, then relaxing his face in a smile. We cannot avoid the jungle
law in economic world. He, who is stronger than the others, will become
a winner. The same thing happened to malioboro’s face drawer.
Everyday, their population slowly decreases. Now, we can only find four
places of face drawing in malioboro. It happens because of the existence
of the other street vendors wipes of the position of face drawer. At the
beginning the street vendors just rent a place for selling goods. |

Level : The difference of difficulty level and operation process are
the main variable to decide price. |
then one by one, they buy the place. In the other way, the densification
of street vendors are not without a root. There is a reason. Directly or not,
monetary crisis, which continues until now, has an important role to make
them, in a great numbers tried to find a job. The increasing of primary needs
made the people must do penny – wise activity. Like or dislike, the face
drawers in malioboro have to face it. The demand of drawings, decreases so
deep. The people have to be more careful in fulfilling their needs. Finally,
almost all the drawers change their way of life by a change of job. They use
this way just to keep the oven warm and their plates served. Actually the
income from selling the paint is
not too bad. One drawer with another drawer has different price. There is a
drawer who gives a standard price Rp. 90.000 for a picture of size 28 cm x 55
cm. Another painter can give a price Rp. 20.000 or Rp.45.000. The difference
of difficulty level and operation process is the main factor that fixed the
price. If the objects use a picture for a model, sometimes the exact anatomy
is no longer clear. The variety of the price is not only from the operation
process but the drawer
name also influences it.
The more famous the
drawer is, the higher the price he puts on his works. But the fame of drawer
is not without a reason. The quality of his painting is the standard people
will use to judge his skills. That is another factor, which makes a drawer
famous. The quality of the drawings is measured from the similarity degree
between the drawings with a real object. The variation of drawer’s income
level, makes them always ready with their trestles. They have to be ready and
accept under paid. But if the request comes in floodingly, they can gain up
to a hundred thousand
rupiahs, even until a million rupiahs. But if bad-luck day comes to them,
there is no income of that day. Because of that, the drawer in malioboro, not only gain income from selling the drawing
but they also sell ornament or another accessories. Likewise Daryono, besides
selling the drawings he also serves body tattoing. Beside that, he and his
children sell key-chains. Difference from Daryono, Wawan sells decoration
flowerpot to add his income. Long-life process of life on the street, build
their mental stronger from the other. This strong mental is shaped from hard
life that is not easy to conquer. They succeed with hard struggle, and
started from the lowest. Malioboro street is a numb-witness which accompanies
the drawer to survive in a hard life. When the Maghrib echoes, when the
street lamp show its light, the drawers are still waiting for faces who wants
to be eternal through their scratch of pencil. ( Rias Andriati )